It’s ok to be wrong. There is a time a place to admit it and fix it. Even Reddit can be right twice a day.

It’s ok to have some confidence or even ego. Reddit(mostly invested/serious players from NA/EU) is indeed not whole player base. But it’s not ok to be overly condescending.

It’s ok to call out bad takes and poke fun with Karthus poetry. But it’s not ok to resort to virulence and malice.

In the end. I hope Phreak and Riot in general don’t stop communicating because doing it puts them under flame when they’re making changes people don’t like. I hope they keep having the thick skin that most other game devs don’t have. Transparency the willingness to learn and correct wrong changes is the dream. A silent Riot that just does whatever without telling the playerbase why would not be flamed as much, but it would also be much worse off for the game and its community.

  • lu5tyB
    1 year ago

    Yes, im sure the major shareholders of the parent company really give a fuck about your opinions on pings. He’s a face, nothing more; if he stops doing what he’s told he will be replaced. Simple as.