Disclaimer: the poster is a 5.5k hardstuck offlaner

Still, though -My idea has always been that carries were supposed to start off weak and come online later in the game. But heroes like Ursa, Weaver, CK, TB all are often very dominant in lane. Every Slark I see confidently walks up to you to stick in a couple of autos at a time, and often you can’t punish him meaningfully. MK, the bane of my existence, is outright impossible to fight without overwhelming burst damage (read: a gank) or strong poke, can’t think of a pos3 that can actually fight him head-on. And the constant threat of jingu stacks limits your access to creeps, too. Lifestealer just attacks you whenever he feels like it with impunity. PA isn’t too bad, but her slow is maybe a bit too strong even at the lower levels.

What I see right now is that a lot of the time most pos3 hero you can pick are somehow weaker than the enemy carry…that will also scale better. The fact that your pos4 wants to eventually -and probably should - go gank something doesn’t make the matter any easier. How did it come to that? How do I even win the lane with a Rubick/Mirana/Pudge support? Can I have Poor Man’s Shield back, please?

  • chrisxxx94B
    1 year ago

    Wouldnt spec or pl be a power line as they are weak early, capable at mid game, and strong late?