Basically, the title

Who is the best player all time in these categories?

Best Scorer: MJ

Best 3pt Shooter: Steph

Best Midrange Shooter: MJ

Best Free Throw Shooter: Steph

Best Passer/Playmaker: Magic

Best Rebounder: Rodman

Best Perimeter Defender: Pippen/Tony Allen

Best Interior Defender: Bill Russell/Tim Duncan

Best Post Player: Hakeem

Most Athletic: Wilt

Best Ball Handler/Dribbler: Kyrie

Best Hooker: Kareem

  • PsychedelicWaltonB
    10 months ago

    I’d argue he’s not just the greatest athlete in nba history, he’s the greatest natural athlete in documented human history

    7’1 with elite hand-eye coordination, track speed, a 40” vertical, and strong as an ox. He’s a mythical creature. Idk how you could possibly find a more well-rounded overall athlete than that