Is it blasting though when she then turns it against herself? She’s actually asking what it is that makes her need outside validation to feel good.
It’s funny. I got a promotion a bit ago and I announced happily to my family that my career progression has ended for good.
I don’t want to grow in responsibility, in don’t want to work extra hours, I don’t want to study for work, I don’t want to “network”.
If yearly rises somewhat follow the cost of living (relatively common in my workplace), I don’t even want to job hop.
I want to cruise at work and live my life.
Some still don’t understand because “line go up” mentality.
How do you DO that?
I don’t need validation from other people to be happy. Hope this helped.
Holy shit. That dude needs to run as fast as he can away from that and towards a puppy that will help him delete facebook and hit the gym.
“How dare you be satisfied with your lot and content with who you are???”
Exactly. His natural predisposition is to be happy and hers is to be miserable. Sadly, her miserable is probably stomping out his happy
This is LinkedInLunatics. I think she deserves to be Queen here.
Dated someone like this. She needed constant external validation. Had self-esteem issues. Narcissistic. Never satisfied. Extreme anxiety. Separation anxiety. Hot and cold all the time. Always hopping from new infatuation to the next.
I was already deep in corporate and she couldn’t understand why I was content when I found something stable. We split when I got tired of the constant cheating and dumped her. Everything was a pissing contest and she always had to win. She was furious I dumped her first, even.
She’s successful now but still never content. Found out she was bipolar which explains so much from the past.
Did we date the same person?
Have a friend same kinda deal. Not the cheating thing but is poly so it’s a vibe. Grew up poor, got a degree decent job decent pay. The MOMENT she got stable she wanted to go back to school for a doctorate. Student loans, stressing herself out to high hell. Current events got her having mega breakdowns cuz her field is affected. Broke again. The cycle continues
Edit: also bipolar…clearly
Could you go a year without a single new certification, interview, award, promotion, and be OK with yourself for it?
No but I have ADHD and collect knowledge like trading cards in an attempt to appease the screaming boredom. Wonder what got her all twisted up?
Lol I have ADHD and Im the same. Love learning something new even when it has no real use to me.
Probably needs a dicking down
If you actually read the post, she’s not “blasting” her husband. She’s seeing him be perfectly content without chasing all those markers of career success, and questioning why she cannot do the same. She’s realising that she relies on external validation to feel happy, and that that’s not a good thing.
It’s the literal definition of a humblebrag though. Or at the very least, worded in a bait-ey way to try and get attention from appearing to be controversial. If you strip away the style and fluff from the post, then yes you can read it in the way you’re saying. But that controversial-ness is clearly intentional.
At the most charitable, it’s a failed attempt at humor. The less charitable read is that the second half of the post is just providing some plausible deniability to her being yet another insufferable Linkedin self-promoter.
Yeah she doesn’t speak bad about him for it. She does pose the question at the end to others if it would change their views of people they knew if they didn’t want those types of accomplishments though. She doesn’t answer if it does for herself necessarily, so there is not really any clear answer. It’s pointless to analyse.
That’s the kind of people who constantly change positions, switch projects, get promoted etc. The success of the projects depends on stable people like her husband.
Not only that a whole lot of people here don’t have reading comprehension, the level of salt and misogyny are weird and not in a good way…
people misinterpret something
must be misogyny?
These people in the comments are so fragile.
That CEO has a stripper name.
If I ever find something that pays enough to do what I want and offers a nice work life balance my ladder climbing will stop there. I have no career goals beyond that. I want to pursue my personal interests and help others learn. That’s it. Unfortunately I can’t figure out how to monetize my personal interests in a way that won’t make me hate my life.
When someone asks me what I do, I list hobbies. I’m not my job.
I am legitimately jealous of people who manage to work a job doing something they actually like. They seem so much better off? My dad is one of those - he’ll retire and come back for fun.
I’m finally in a position that I can say “I don’t hate,” pays well, and I get a pension but holy shit I still occasionally get the “Monday blues.”
The second that I can retire, I’m fucking OUT.
This has been a block for me in dating apps. They look down on you for saying you’re perfectly fine where you are right now. I’m over 40 and have a nice job, there’s no need for me to continue to run after “something better”. But other people see you like you’re accommodated or lazy. It’s bonkers.
The funny thing is, usually, they are in a lot worse place than me, financially.
She’s an LLM optimized for doing “career goals”.
Maybe that’s the unavoidable final state of our society. A million goalbots, dancing together, forever.
The title of this post is misleading. She’s not blasting her husband. She’s wondering why she can’t be content without these things.
She lives to work
He works to live
Tune in for the next season of Never Happy
Or she grew up in a society where women have to overachieve in order to get the same recognition as men and now she struggles with a need for external validation like many other women.
This must be doubly as true for sectors like IT.
I think I just learned how to understand my wife a little better.