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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • There’s no such thing as bad or good taste, when it’s limited to one’s choices.

    When you are calling your own taste good, or some other person’s taste good just because, and make it something social - that’ll always be bad taste.

    Yeah, and market doesn’t have anything to do with taste.

    About the photo - if not for that horrible floor, I’d like it. Should have made it solid dark gray.

    EDIT: LOL, I see a few people strongly disagree with the fact that it’s really bad taste to pretend that taste is not subjective.

    That’s actually the only thing determining “bad” and “good” taste - when the thing’s appearance clearly shows that the author thought their taste is “good” by association alone, like Disney Star Wars or maybe by imitating a style which is “good”.

    There are, of course, things like laws of composition and colors chosen etc, but these are still not objective and differ for various kinds of art.

  • I actually love imagining ways in which one can build a digital library in its core meaning.

    A system reliable enough to survive centuries and maybe millennia, many times redundant and verifiable and self-repairing, allowing exhaustive search.

    This fascination is maybe the reason I love systems intended for “piracy”. Because frankly paying for media is not such a big deal - I download things not too often and most of the time download things I’ve downloaded before. I even have a few bought games in Steam which I haven’t played.

    But I love to feel that there’s no company, no organization behind that exchange.

    Getting back to libraries - in early 00s people would think of the Web like of a layer upon which such a thing can be built. It turns out that this didn’t work, but let’s please don’t stop with the optimism, and let’s please discard the approach which hasn’t worked instead of clinging to it.

  • It’s highly unlikely that one side happens to be entirely on the side of genocide in one issue and entirely on the side of the victims in another issue.

    Could you please provide some actual arguments? Because this is horse shit.

    Of course it’s likely and it often happens.

    Actually IRL it’s more often that not like this. Israel supporting Azerbaijan against Armenians, for example.

    Either the Palestinian genocide or the Uyghur genocide are happening, but not both.

    Oh, you are simply a troll.

  • I happen to be a Firefox user

    I happen to be a former conkeror user, which was based on XULRunner, which Mozilla dropped, just like other ways to use their engine for other browsers.

    But I could use pre-Australis Firefox.

    Only then their experiments on people with UI design happened.

    And yes, Mozilla as an organization has objective flaws. Their treatment of the SeaMonkey project (now separate) has not been good as well.