pls dont kill me…

im just curious, in 2023 what exactly does ios have over android.

the only two things i can think of is the longer support and apple ecosystem.

otherwise androids just have far far more features than ios does.

can anyone help me understand if theres more to it or if thats it.

  • @New_Significance1411B
    18 months ago

    I guess even the longer support isn’t exactly the deciding factor considering that Samsung has been offering 4 full so updates and google just announced 7.

    iOS vs Android is a fool’s debate imo, it’s about more about preferences than about absolute features, even when the features are same, their implementation and convenience can make a difference. Someone may prefer the same thing is done on android and the someone else will prefer the way it’s done on iOS.

    Why must people need to feel superior based on their phone and its OS? Everybody uses what they like best depending on their budget and to start comparing them is useless.

    • @reversethrustB
      18 months ago

      Wait… Google is supporting 7 full updates?! Any chance of them flip flopping on this? Is there legal verbiage that we can use to sue if they renege and change their minds? If so, then I might actually consider a Google phone…

    • @v0yev0daB
      18 months ago

      Does Samsung provide updates on day 1 with all Google features integrated? I’d say that’s a major differentiator in support. But then again if you don’t get the feature then you can’t miss it to begin with.

    • @AkrevicsB
      18 months ago

      google just announced 7.

      thought it’s yet to be seen if google will actually back that claim up with action. they do tend to drop projects, screwing over consumers of said project.

    • @JHMKB
      18 months ago

      Yes. At this point its like BMW vs Toyota. You cannot convince neither of owner of those cars that they should have gotten the other. Its just a matter of preference

      • @alienpspB
        18 months ago

        Then get the GR Supra, Toyota badge with BMW price and maintenance, fit the description here

      • @fraizeB
        18 months ago

        I had an old boss who left Silicon Valley to work for GM. He used to show up in my socials asking why anybody would bother to buy a Tesla when Chevy Volt could do everything a Tesla 3 could do at half the price. It’s like, bro – not everybody values what you do.

      • @Scuzzlebutt97B
        18 months ago

        That’s a horrible comparison. BMW and Toyota are not even in the same class of vehicles. One’s a luxury brand and the other is just a standard everyday persons brand.

        If we’re comparing apples to apples, anyone who buys a BMW could have easily afforded a Toyota, not necessarily the other way around.

        Honda vs Toyota or Mercedes vs BMW would be a better comparison.

        • @jorleejackB
          18 months ago

          I don’t see how that’s a horrible comparison. iPhones are the BMWs in this example. iPhones are a luxury product. Androids are utilitarian.

          Most people who own Android phones own lower-end phones. Compared to iPhones, the everyday person with an Android is definitely driving a Toyota compared to a BMW.

          Do you think 90% of people with Androids are walking around with Galaxy S23 Ultras or Pixel 8 Pros? No, those are a small minority. This example works pretty well.

          • @space-panda-lambdaB
            18 months ago

            Nah, the iPhone is a Toyota Corolla. Reliable, good resale value, not a lot of bells and whistles, kind of boring, but it gets you around town. The Pro is a Lexus. Samsung is a Honda Civic, cause people like to customize it, but the base model is still reliable. The Pixel is a VW Golf: a bit quirky but fun.

          • @tuna_samich_B
            18 months ago

            Most people are Android “fanboys” aren’t owning the lower tier phones. They’re going to have the $1000+ phones

        • @JHMKB
          18 months ago

          Most average people compare cheaper Androids to high end iPhones, so I would not say its that far off. The are not many people who buy Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.

    • @Darkmage4B
      18 months ago

      Absolutely this. I was on Android for 12 years. Decided to try out the 14 pro max, and well, I’m deep into the eco system. I absolutely love it.

      But down to it, a phone is a phone. You get what you want out of it. You pretty much can consume the same apps. Aside from exclusivity. But Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, tiktok, tumblr, whatever you use is on both phone systems.

      I still love Android, and what they have. But I really love and enjoy my 14 pro max. It’s been a year, and I haven’t had crashes in certain apps like I did on Android, since I think the app is far more optimized for Apple. Plus a 3rd party took over the app, and it was degrading in optimization, and bugs everywhere until they could figure out the proper coding.

      Otherwise, aside from that 1 app. Android is great, iPhone is great. It’s good to be able to have options!