Look, I hate to overreact over one game but… this dude looks ready for the league. He plays a lot like Jimmy and having Jimmy as a mentor will tremendously help his growth. I’ve also read UCLA fans saying he makes winning plays, sounds like a perfect Heat culture player.

  • jcwritB
    11 months ago

    I’m sold already. I have a sneaking suspicion that he was pulled early out of summer league not so much because of the injury but because Riley had no interest in letting the rest of the league get a real look at him.

    He has the skillset and body type to get where he wants to go on the court, and that’s something that’s already beyond what most guys in this league can do. The shot and the finishing can be developed but its so hard to teach that. We’ve been watching Herro struggle to figure it out for years now.

    I can’t wait to see how far he can go this season.