I especially love how all his abilities are very powerful when used correctly, but also give opponents an opportunity to counter them. I play pos1, and they aren’t the best in lane (at my MMR it’s really hard for them to hit Q and E correctly), but in game overall I really enjoy playing both with them and against them - beats boring one-dimensional Warlocks and Witch Doctors. I hope Grimstroke isn’t going back to 45% winrate, his usual place.

  • jjdotesB
    10 months ago

    With shard Ink Swell is most broken ability in the game. During the buff you can’t chain stun because Grim can just pop it whenever he wants, with other hard dispels like Abaddon, you can just stun after the dispel. Against Grim it doesn’t work because Grim can just hold the buff untill the final moment and once he pops it the core gets healed to full and you have wasted all your stuns for nothing.