I especially love how all his abilities are very powerful when used correctly, but also give opponents an opportunity to counter them. I play pos1, and they aren’t the best in lane (at my MMR it’s really hard for them to hit Q and E correctly), but in game overall I really enjoy playing both with them and against them - beats boring one-dimensional Warlocks and Witch Doctors. I hope Grimstroke isn’t going back to 45% winrate, his usual place.

  • bratora97B
    10 months ago

    I would like to see him nerfed.

    Reasons are that hero is strong compared to hard supports and have annoying silence, ult that lock enemies between, and they eat spell twice. He has all type of abilities in hero which is stupid. Going well with most mele heroes and it is counter to heroes like broodmother, naga etc.

    Valve kinda lost course that support should be support, not annoying carry in support body.