Think of a special box. Once you close it, it can’t be opened again. Imagine putting an apple inside this box and then sealing it. Over a really, really long time, everything that makes up the apple changes in every way it possibly can, because it’s all alone in the box with no way to escape or change from the outside.

Now, think about Minecraft, the game. It’s like this box. When it was created in 2009, it was like sealing the box. Inside Minecraft, players are like the apple. They started in one way, but over time, they’ve changed and turned into so many different things. The game has millions of players, and they’ve built and changed quadrillions of blocks. They keep making new things, just like how the apple’s parts keep changing in the box. And just like the apple, there’s always something new that can happen in Minecraft. The game keeps changing because the players keep changing it, just like how the apple keeps changing inside the box.

This is why I love minecraft, no matter what version no matter how we play we make the game and we do what we want… we are the energy that minecraft once was and will always be…