(I started playing in season 5, so I only know clients from there onwards)

Compared to the old one, it’s such a worse user experience.

You opened the client, and got a simple login screen with a nice champ art playing in the background, I guess having to type in your password every time was a bit annoying but you got used to it.

Now you open the client, sorry, first the Riot Client, then you login with your Riot account and press the play button and hope it works, because for some reason it doesn’t work when switching accounts. After all of this you finally get the league client.

Once inside, back then everything was quick and simple. You didn’t have all those different tabs like “collection”. Under your account, you could view everything you wanted to.

When accepting the queue, you could see how many people in that lobby also accepted, now you can’t. I know it’s not an important thing, but it was a nice feature.

Why is TFT still in the same client as lol, in the Riot Client, they are listed as different games, but when launching TFT, it just opens up league. Why?

Also going back to the Riot Client, I understand Riot wants to streamline their products, but that client is a horrible attempt at that. I can’t find a reason for it to exist. You share your friend list between games in their respective clients, Valorant and LoL and LoR. Like do they want to make it similar to Steam or something, right now it’s very bare bones and doesn’t have a purpose other than slowing down the process of launching a Riot game.