Things I don’t have to deal with as a mostly MH player:
metas/balance - everybody is viable, and in fact some of the worst heroes do really well in a world where you can’t just easily deal with them. Speaking of…
people switching to counter - they can’t
hero variety - everybody gets played.
repetition/stagnation - all of the above means the game is always different and never boring (one of the bigger complaints about the game)
matchmaking - same matchmaker (and problems) but a lot of those issues get mitigated when people aren’t playing comfort picks…nobody is entirely within comfort zone
solo tanking vs multitanking nonsense - you get both.
5v5 this and 5v5 that - you get a bit of both worlds (OW1 & 2)
toxicity - who the hell are you going to yell at and for what?
no carry potential - you have LOTS of carry potential
queue times - no waiting for particular roles to fill. I can’t remember the last time I had a queue timer go over 2 minutes
I also want to say leaver penalties for the people that simply can’t see L’s on the screen, cause I’m pretty sure they only apply to QP, but I’m not sure as Ive never left a map to verify
The one thing I do have to live with is not physically picking who I play (not an issue), and sometimes it’s hard to actually deal with enemy team, but that NEVER happens in the other game modes 🤣🤣🤣
TLDR - Mystery Heroes removes MOST of the issues people have with the game - just saying….
PS - get rid of the hero stacking
I feel like every time i play it i get the worst team comps ever, just i personally can’t deal with the randomness lol
I’ll still do my placements tho just for some extra comp points