I know this is probably not the best space to ask this, but I will anyways since I think many people here have identified that as the real cause of game losses and stagnant MMR.

What I am describing is basically this: When I can climb, my mind is clear and I am giving my 100%. Nobody gets in my way and I don’t even get triggered by stuff teammates do or say. I play like I am 500 MMR above my bracket and I win most games on those days. I am really good on good days. Conversely, I’ve self analyzed a lot about the bad days when I lose a lot - I modestly think that its a self inhibition issue, a dopamine mismanagement issue.

Quality decisions in gameplay, the willpower to avoid interacting with toxic people, and the ability to remain adequately motivated instead of going auto-pilot on some days, all stems from dopamine management I think.

Its hard to explain because you can’t really put into words what low dopamine does to a man. But I’ve identified it and now I need to figure out how to control it.

At the risk of my post falling on deaf ears (you are welcome to not understand), I want to gather advice from people who have identified and cleared their dopamine issue and climbed MMR as a result of it, what thought processes and irl habits did you acquire or abandon to better yourself?

  • Adolf_Dripler92B
    1 year ago

    Quality of sleep matters a lot brother. I always have losing streak when i play tired.