Hello peoples! I recently acquired a Sony A6400. Now I didn’t get it for stills, I got it mainly to start practicing video as I’m majoring in film.

Video I haven’t messed around with it all that much, but I’m pretty pleased with the results so far.

Stills tho…… I’m super disappointed. I think it has to do with that it has an EVF. I get EVFs have a lot of advantages, but those come at the expense of the user experience.

I was shooting some landscape just now, and the flip up screen is cool and all, but I COULDNT SEE MY SCENE. Like I had no idea what was actually in my shadows, and it was not conducive for taking good pictures.

Eye af and all the info is cool, but idk… I just don’t like EVFS for stills.

  • PyroweedicalOPB
    10 months ago

    Think I’m gonna stick with my good ol d700 for stills and the a6400 for video. I got the a6400 for video in the first place. I am not disappointed in the quality of the images (like they look like images from any other generic crop cam) but the experience while shooting sucks and thus ruins my impression of the work I’m doing. That’s the point I was trying to get across with this post but people don’t seem to get it lol