I think he gets signed.

But there are a few things the browns have to hammer out first.

  1. It’s Friday. Biggest home game in expansion history other than 2020 Week 17 and 2002 week 17 is coming up on Sunday. Our focus is on Pittsburgh, as it should be.

  2. We need a roster spot, so somebody is going to get sent down to the practice squad. I believe that will be PJ Walker, after this weekend. No way is Flacco going to get signed to the PS at his age, but also no way he can efficiently backup DTR with 2 days of prep.

  3. Flacco needs to see if this is the right situation for him. He has a shit ton of money, money isn’t the issue, I think he wants to play. If DTR lights it up, Flacco needs to decide if he feels ok being a mentor backup.

All said and done, I do believe Flacco would be a complete weight off our shoulders. It gives us depth and veteran stability in the QB room, even if he doesn’t start.

Is he slow?

Yes. As hell.

Is he past his prime?

11 years past his prime.

But he has been there. He has won. It’s not a long commitment, but it gives us much needed stability.

  • Random-CplB
    10 months ago

    As a Ravens fan, lemme just say. Treat him right, guys. Be good to my boy.