Would love to get them off my desk, but the built-in templates don’t really facilitate short groupings of notes well. Anyone have any suggestions for moving post-it notes to reMarkable?

  • kg4zowB
    11 months ago

    The closest thing rM offers is the “Quicksheets” function. When you tap the button at the top of a file browser screen, it will …

    • Create a “Quick sheets” notebook in the tablet’s “root directory”, if one doesn’t already exist
    • Add a page to the end of that notebook
    • Open that new page, ready for you to start writing

    You just need to remember to go through that notebook once in a while and “handle” each page. This could mean doing whatever you wanted to remind yourself to do, or (in my case) moving the page to the notebook where it should be, but I didn’t take the time to navigate to that notebook because I didn’t want to forget whatever it was before it was written down. (If you get the chance, don’t get old.)