Can someone explain how I’m supposed to climb out of low behaviour score? I haven’t typed or trolled any games since I’ve tried to improve my behaviour score and yet I get trolled and it goes down? I’m queueing turbo to improve my score I get trolled by my teammates I don’t type or feed on purpose and yet my score goes down. How is this system fair. I acknowledge I was toxic in the past and now I want to be better and improve score so I mute chat don’t type or intentionally feed and my score goes down. How does this make sense. I get a Mars who follows me and takes farm on carry and I get a treant and Chen who tri lane me on carry to steal my farm, I dont type anything and my behaviour score goes down. Wtf am I supposed to do to make my score go up. I can’t wait for the classic reddit responses “your fault xd” . I have a 4 hour cooldown after playing to win while getting trolled wp valve great system. No wonder this game is dying 1 mil prize pool for ti btw.

  • FreeHatsOrTechiesB
    10 months ago

    Don’t play turbo, play unrankedl all pick only, also play as you would play ranked, otherwise you will get reported. That’s what I’m doing, got +2k bs so far, but it takes a long time… 60+ matches