Are they balanced, fun to both play and play against? Do they just look and sound good?

  • EternallyHuntingB
    10 months ago

    I want to say Winter Wyvern, as she’s literally the main reason I’m invested in Dota. I have well over 600 ranked games with her, my winrate on her the past few patches has sat around ~85%, so it’s not like she’s bad. But in spite of that, she definitely could use some changes…

    One thing I do love however, that I don’t see in other heroes, is how her spells aren’t straight forward. Using her E or R improperly can have such an impact that it literally causes the match to be lost then and there. But at the same time, perfect usage of them is hugely impactful.

    I’ve long lost count of how many times a Rubick has stolen my E or R and griefed his team trying to use it, or alternatively just didn’t understand what W even does.