2023-24 San Antonio Spurs Season | Victor Wembanyama Post-Game Interview 11.18.2023


Q : “Before the start of the season, did you expect to struggle that much collectively, I ain’t talking for you personally as you’re objectively the best player on the team already, but collectively did you expect to face as much difficulties ?”

W : “I expected anything, because I didn’t have visibility, and even today it’s hard to see long term, but I didn’t have visibility on the other teams, our team. I knew more than a random person, but I’m a rookie, and I try to learn how to do it.”

Q : “I mean, were you ready for that scenario ?”

W : “Yeah of course, of course, every scenario.”

Q : “Tre Jones was back tonight, can you talk about what he brings collectively, and what changes for you when he’s on the court ?”

W : “Tre Jones, he’s one of the most experienced player of our young team. He does us good, because he usually makes the right choices, he also brings us some safety on the court. I’m comfortable playing with him.”

Q : “Victor, we’ve often been used to win in your career, whether it be in Nanterres, ASVEL and especially with the Mets, how do you handle this time, those 8 defeats in a row ? Does it keeps you awake, does it get you worked up, how do you handle it ?”

W : “Hm… It’s… It’s different from what I’ve known in my career yes, but mostly because it is a completely different environment, it’s all I’ve known so far in the NBA, but let’s say it’s… No… Even before the season, before being drafted, I’ve always known there will always be difficulties, but the most important thing is how we address them.”

  • Fhaksfha794B
    10 months ago

    This season has been frustrating as hell but Rome wasn’t built in a day. When we winning we gonna be forgetting these losing seasons