Hey. Just wanted to point out that the new gamemode is absolutely amazing, expecially for me as a “roleplay” onetrick ( basically I mean that I do like to play just one champ, but not for the reason to go sweaty 110% effort in ranked, it’s just that I really like the gameplay of that one champ ).
In draft, both ranked and normal, being a onetrick always came with the sad sad part that if they picked one of those 2-3 57% wr counterpicks you’d be having a sad time. I’ve reached master elo in ranked, and at that point those 2-3 counters would become 80% of my games.
At the same time, blindpick forced me out of my champion’s lanes, so it wasn’t really playable for me.
Now, with quickplay I get to have the best of both worlds! It’s been amazing. I also really like the 3 votes surrender ( you can ff with 3 yes 2 no after 20 mins ) which I felt was needed for a couple of seasons, you know, there’s always that one guy that presses no because he holds grudges over someone. Now that’s fixed aswell.
Basically, Quickplay is my new queue. Loving it!

PSA, the way it works is that you select one lane one champ on your completely free choice, and then a secondary position based on what the queue tells you is needed, with another champ you want.
I almost never get secondary position. Maybe because I’m a toplaner and no one plays top, idk!

  • heldexOPB
    10 months ago

    The queue simply has resetted MMR, it will fix over time