I have a still perfectly useable early-2015 MacBook Pro that I purchased from Apple 6 years ago. The battery needs to be changed, especially since it has visibly started bulging the keyboard. I went to two Apple Authorized Service Providers. Each time, someone at the counter just checked the laptop model, then saying that it’s classified as a “vintage product” and that the battery can’t be changed. Yeah, “vintage product.” Apple is great with naming things.

Okay, so Apple is hellbent on not allowing other stores to fix or replace parts, but at the same time they leave customers in the dark with perfectly decent laptops.

I’ve always purchased official Apple batteries, because Chinese knock-offs usually don’t last very long, and they can be a fire hazard. I tried finding a way to get an OWC battery, which apparently is a good brand, but there aren’t any places selling them where I live. All the non-official Apple repair stores sell knock-off batteries.

Any suggestions of what I should do?

  • AdComprehensive7879B
    10 months ago

    wait, are the chinese made battery that bad? Im about to buy one myself for my 2017 mbp and your comment scares me. I can accept if it won;t last at long (not 1000 cycles), that’s fine. But fire hazard?