I have been having tremendous problem streaming games on the NBA TV app (subscription: NBA League Pass).  I’ve tried from multiple Apple TVs, two iPhones, an ipad, and a web browser.  I consistently have issues.

  1. If I join a live game and click “watch live”, it almost always starts at the beginning.  There is no way to resolve this, no matter how many times I try to rejoin.  It continuously starts at the beginning.  I then have to click “fast forward” to get to where I want in the game (which can take a long time).
  2. If I start a game late, there is no way to resume if I pause.

3.  Tonight, I was watching a game.  I attempted to join “live”, on a game in progress.  It started from the beginning.  So I opted to watch it from the beginning.  The game went to overtime.  Inexplicably, with 40 seconds left… the broadcast cut out completely.  

4.  The app logs me out every few days.

I haven’t been able to watch a full game without issues the entire season, despite trying on at least six different devices and trying via a web browser.  I’ve also updated the apps on most of my devices.

Sincere question: does anyone have positive experiences with the NBA app? I can’t believe it’s a problem with all of my devices, but perhaps something is wrong with my account? Does anyone use the app and *not* have one or more of the problems referenced above?