I’m fairly new to the city/country but have loved basketball for a good decade now. I’ve loved all the home games so far but my seats are usually pretty high up. Does anyone have any advice on moving down the rows to empty seats once the game starts? I dont want to get kicked out or banned by the ushers but I’d love to get lower seats if they arent being used and I’m not taking them off anyone else. Thanks!

  • absolutkaosB
    10 months ago

    you also okay with folks that steal from groceriy stores then?

    how about the folks that abuse the food banks?

    ride public transit without paying?

    maybe let’s not pay income taxes either, since that’s just the greedy government taking money?

    just cause things aren’t sold it doesn’t entitle others to take advantage of it for free.

    thats how prices of cheap things end up going up and becoming unaffordable.