Just what the title says. If he has the ability to do it, we’ll see it within the first third or half of the season. He will lead the team to wins and consistently put up good performances for long stretches. Honestly if I don’t see a stretch of 10-15 consistently good games from him that translates to roughly .500 ball in the first half of the season then I might be ready to move on. That means scoring efficiently with at least average defense and some playmaking that leads the team to a decently long stretch of around .500 basketball.

Obviously this is going to come across as an overreaction given his performance last night. But if he remains inconsistent with a scoring burst every three or four games, then I just don’t see him taking the step he needs to keep pace with other young stars who will be competing for championships in their prime.

  • NoneMoreBLKB
    11 months ago

    Yes, let’s put an unrealistic time limit on development. What if he shows it on the 31st game? Doesn’t count?