I see it EVERY time a foul is called. The player in question goes up to the ref and argues and even yells about it. Never have I seen it make a difference at all. What’s the point in even doing so?

  • ShowerMartiniB
    10 months ago

    I mean, yeah. Just not how you’re thinking it. A player will get called for a violation and then if everyone on the team reacts a certain way, refs may consult with the other refs and they change the call. Seen it many times. Usually for like out of bounds it seems. Sometimes refs just have to make a call, even if they didn’t have a perfect view of what happened. This is reality. If the players react genuinely upset or confused, refs have and will change calls ( after consulting other refs). Most of the time, though, the players react all crazy and then the replay shows them clearly fouling someone. Players are allowed to be wrong and refs are allowed to get fed up and T them up. I hate how ever T is called soft. Players literally complain after every call — how can you not escalate things to get them to stop?