I have three e-commerce stores and brand. I have numerous advantageous instagram accounts.

I see other people making money and getting shop setup but when I try to do the same I am unable.

I thought it would be just upload brand and Wah Lah. Instead everything is at 99%.

I try to sign up for tik tok seller and submit my ein approval. I get the message:

Unclear/Incomplete proof of business document

I literally uploaded the document I was sent from the government.

I sign up for Apple Connect and I press the complete button and nothing happens so unable to register.

I have a Squarespace website and am unable to get the supply chain completed.

I have a Shopify website and not willing to purchase anything.

I connect Facebook marketplace to Instagram and I accidentally connect my personal instagram and now am unable to fix.

My brother in law ordered two shirts from my website and I needed to order the products from Zazzle to get them to the house to save face.

I have hired four people and zero organic sales. One woman signed up for the nonprofit I am starting. Everything seems blocked or way more difficult to achieve.

Does anyone else have this issue?