I received this in a couple of my wallets. What does 100 SOL coupon mean? Since it seems scammy should I not use them for staking?
I received this in a couple of my wallets. What does 100 SOL coupon mean? Since it seems scammy should I not use them for staking?
I wanted to fuck around one time to test this out so I created a new wallet and waited for one to come in. I typically see these scams more on polygon honestly, but the one time I tried to dig deeper there wasn’t much to find at all which is never a good sign. Some of them have links to websites. Where yes they say you can stake the nft for x amount of whatever coin. All the ones I’ve tried and tested have you go through hoops putting in information, and they always end with the infamous tell tell sign that you should run: they ask for your recovery phrase for the wallet. If you don’t already know NEVER give your backup phrase away. I’ve given out that spam seed phrase once or twice now too and there were a ton of transactions I didn’t make but my balance never changed. I only gave out the phrase like I said maybe twice but it took a while before they were trying to drain the empty account. Sometimes they even try to transfer out the other fake nfts and I personally think that’s the funniest part. Finally I just quit checking that account one day. There’s no saving it. I just consider it to be “sacrificed to the the gods of curiosity.”
TLDR 99% of the time these are scam and they’ll ask for your recovery phrase. Which is 100% the last thing you should ever do. Please be safe out there friends. 👉👉