Hammond is absolutely my favorite character in terms of actual character, he’s literally a hamster from the moon in a giant robot hamster ball. That’s glorious

The problem is he’s barely even fun because he’s just so bad. I’m pretty sure he’s the worst tank in the game because he was meta for like half of season 3 and people thought he’s annoying, so he’s just doomed to be borderline unplayable forever

I just want him to be good, not meta, good. Obviously a good ball can dominate lobbies, but 99% of the time you’ll get infinitely more value by playing literally any other tank. His machine guns are borderline useless, he’s easy to shut down, he’s a huge target

He has his pros and cons and works fine in QP, but in comp playing him feels like it’s actively harming your team. Why do people hate ball so much? He’s not THAT annoying

People say OW1 was bad because of stagnant metas then get upset when the meta tank isn’t rein or winston

  • oranke_dinoB
    10 months ago

    People say that ball is not fun to play agains, I think it even is not fun when ball is in my team.

    If you play support, ball is just zooming all around the places, often out of healing reach. So sometimes there is the complaning about not getting gealed enough. Even if the ball is managing to survive without support heals, that is huge amount of progression away from your support ult, when you can not heal your tank. And then the main thing IMO. Tank is supposed to be bullet sponge. If the tank is not constantly somewhere where you can rely it being a “shield” to you, it really takes away from the teams ability to hold or push points.