• Bombastic_JovicB
    10 months ago

    Portland fans are some of the biggest pretentious losers in the league. It’s like because they finally had a position of power in 3 decades (deciding Dame’s fate) they decided that they were gonna be insufferable and obnoxious as possible in a salty demeanor

    Kinda like the dude who got bullied growing up and applied to be a police officer, got the job and tries to relieve his childhood trauma by bullying civilians/public. However, you know he’s a coward deep down without the badge and gun. They deserve every misfortune that comes their way and their prized pick already appears to be a bust, the guy who they clamored to better than Herro is injury prone (to be fair so is Tyler) and I remember them saying Ayton was a far better acquisition than the package Miami projected to have, just lol. After their ‘championship’ of not sending Dame to Miami, they’re now back to reality as being the pitiful franchise they’ve been and will continue to be.

    • ShaedonSharpeMVP_B
      10 months ago

      Heat fans, does this comment really jive with you guys? Your reality is just so twisted if you think that’s how things are💀Hope those 33 upvotes are bots.

      Also the way you just so casually utterly degraded an entire group of people is slightly worrisome ngl.

      • Bombastic_JovicB
        10 months ago

        Proving my point once again on the huge weirdos you fools are. 🤣 I’ve had 0 need to visit Portland trailblazers sub since the trade was concluded. Yet you weirdos are there celebrating having a better record than the heat after 5 games. Now here you are acting shocked and perplexed that another sub doesn’t share the same views as you. Forgot to add “completely delusional or just dimwitted” in my post.