I played this DOS game back in the day that was so good, called Jetpack. Tried DOS emulators and visited websites to scrape all their games but no go. I just could not find it… it took me years of never knowing until Chat GPT just gave it to me during a 10 min toilet break… took me a few tries but holy cow!
Tried it, GPT-4 could not give me the name of a game I played a long time ago.
You played as a party of Orcs, it was a 2D-game, and I think you needed to write out the spells you wanted to cast. Don’t remember anything else.
The only thing it tels me is “Orcs must die!’ But I’m sure that’s not it. I had to try a few times myself btw, other wise you can visit r/tipofmyjoystick like others suggested.