this has been going on for days. i get the most heals kills and damage in almost all the matches, and it doesn’t matter if i solo queue or have a five stack. nor does it matter if it’s qp or competitive. i’ve been hard stuck in silver 5 for a month now. i lose every single game, and it’s not even ever a close match it’s like my team gets rolled everytime. i don’t even know what to do anymore. moira, kiriko or mercy it always ends up like this.

  • Solid_Exercise6697B
    10 months ago

    Again, what comp were you running? It’s pretty easy to counter a mercy/bastion now. If that’s all it took to make you lose the match, sounds like your team wasn’t playing very well at all either. Breaking out of a spawn camp is not easy, even good teams and players will struggle with it in metal ranks.