
  • Equivalent_Willow567B
    11 months ago

    Thinking about how upsetting yesterday was I tend to wake up thinking my thoughts were a little irrational from gameday… well this morning was different. There is no explanation as to why the Bears choked at the end like that. So tired of hearing “We’re going to look at the tape and self scout”. Did some good things happen? sure! but at the end the ball game isn’t over until that clock hits :00 in the 4th quarter. For the coaching staff to play a game of walking on egg shells while being up 12 points and completely crapping the bed to end with a safety of all things? man that is just terrible. They talk about execution and finishing the game and they absolutely didn’t. This coaching staff is not a good mix. Something has to change, still a lot of evaluating for Fields which I thought he looked pretty decent. Warren needs to step in this off season. The players put on a front that they are sticking together and building and getting stronger but no one joins the NFL to lose and be ok with it. Coaches are failing their players.