Enchanters have been too weak for too long now. I’m a janna main in gold and I can’t help but notice how rare it is to vs an enchanter in the sup role. Almost every game its a mid lane mage or engage tank. If you look at all ranks and sort by pick rate on u.gg patch 13.22 you can see the highest played enchanter is at 12th which is lulu and her win rate is awful https://u.gg/lol/support-tier-list?rank=overall

When you look at the top 10, 4 are mid lane mages and 5 are engage supports. How is that fair for enchanters? They dont even have one champion in the top ten in the only role theyre viable in?! Sorting by winrate doesnt really make a difference either with sona having a 51.5% win rate as the highest win rate of all enchanters. The class just needs buffs

I might get flamed for this but I think mid lane mages in the support role are stupid. Youre goal as the support is to assist your adc mainly and then youre team getting kills. So many times youll see a mid lane mage played in the sup role and theyll have the highest damage across the board at the end of the game. So is killing the enemy team for your team a new form of supporting?! It makes absolutely no sense at all especially considering that supports are meant to have less gold. The thing is if an enchanter goes another its not viable because it shouldnt but then champions like swain xerath and lux come to support role and its viable. If a bruiser made it into top 10 picked champions in the adc role then it would be nerfed/reworked within a week but then champions like xerath just stays in support role forever with no nerfs ever happening.

  • ApricotAlarming2912B
    10 months ago

    I agree in the most part. I feel like enchanters have lost a lot of pressure in the game. At the same time, it also falls on the elo that you’re in, where the team usually don’t know how to play around/with an enchanter support, and that has been a problem since forever. Sure, they were played more in the Ardent Censer meta, but if you play now a Soraka/Lulu/Nami etc, if your ADC sucks, you lose lane. If you team sucks, you lose game. At least with a dmg dealer, you have a higher chance of making the plays and killing off the enemy team.