1. Continued to play Prince who couldn’t hit anything and played horrendous offense
  2. Played D-Lo almost the same amount of time as AR when D-Lo was a typical cone on defense and 1/8 on offense. Should have never been in the 4th as long as he was.
  3. Used a challenge very early for AD on his 3rd foul in the 1st half so we didn’t have one late in the game where it looked like a much clearer block and AD fouled out
  4. Once AD fouled he put Prince back in the game instead of a legitimate big. The result? Two super easy layups for Sengun that almost put the game to OT. If we go to OT without AD we may have very well lost.
  5. Continues to just run piss poor rotations and lets players play out of control. While Reddish certainly makes good plays he lets our players play with 0 discipline and do whatever tf they want without consequence.

Bottom line is this dude seems to have zero clue what he’s doing and continues to get bailed out by Bron and AD.