So me and several friends I play Dota with noticed something strange happening with Communication Score. It’s been going on for around 2 weeks now roughly. Something is definitely not right with the system.

Communication Score has been tanking really fast for several of us with no good reason. I lost around 3000 Comms Score while my friend lost almost 5000 in a week. We were both previously 12K as of 2 weeks ago and had held that number for a month or so.

So we decided to test something out. First we played some games solo until our Behaviour/Comms Score summaries popped up. Then we queued only as a 5-man stack for 15 games and NEVER talked to the enemy team at all. Lets clarify - none of us reported each other. None of us spoke to the enemy team for 15 games in a row.

So when we all got our next Behaviour/Comms Score summaries, we expected our scores to rise. Well, as it happened our Behaviour Scores barely changed. Only minor fluctuations.

However, to each of our surprise, all our Comms Scores had dropped yet again. Why?

The only conclusions we could come to is that Valve is now letting ALL comms reports count, no matter what - even if nobody talked to the enemy team and no team mates reported each other.

Either that or… Hero Chat Wheel lines are now reportable and counted as All Chat communications. We did use those (not excessively) but from time to time.

So I and my friends (and many users here on reddit, i’m sure) would like an official explanation from Valve.

What’s going on Devs dudes?

  • Dominant-Species-MidB
    1 year ago

    I believe pings can be comm abuse.

    The text chats shouldn’t tho. Like “Coming to gank.”

    But if you spam ping of course they can report you and of course the game doesn’t know spam ping vs normal ping.