My cardiologist suggested that I get an apple watch to monitor my heart rate since I have an arrhythmia. I wanted to ask what model would be best/ would suffice for heart rate monitoring/fitness.

I am a medical doctor living a relatively sedentary lifestyle and is not very keen on any added features that would add to my anxiety like notifications popping up. My forearms are pretty slim and would prefer a watch that isn’t too big as well.

Your help would be much appreciated.

  • Ok-Cow-6065OPB
    10 months ago

    I was also contemplating between cellular vs non-cellular. Despite the cellular’s obvious perks, I was wondering how much higher the EMF emitted with cellular would be compared to the GPS-only. And given that I would probably be wearing this 24/7, would the radiation be equivalent to sleeping with a phone strapped to your body? Though it is still too early to have any prospective studies on symptoms or risks of malignancy developing in the long term, I would like to know what avid users like you think.