Looking for a solid headphone to run with a Fiio K5 or K7 this Black Friday. I’ve never experienced Hifi before.

Here’s what I need:

-Instrument separation and high resolution -Good Imaging for occasional FPS -Extremely deep bass extension for car and flight simulators (I absolutely love the low roar of vehicle engines). I’m talking single digit Hz lol -Below 500

  • libeakoB
    10 months ago

    Sometimes diff in the technical [independent of tuning] resolution does exist. But that usually does not depend on the price. My most resolving headphone so far is on my head right now, it is a 40 USD Superlux 672. It is more resolving [to my hearing] than HD 600, DT 1990. Perhaps resolution is subjective, i do not know for sure.

    In my opinion technical resolution comes not from voice coil or membrane being thin but by the sound being clean of problems like texture and lingering - the less fake stuff we here - the more true stuff we here.