I must say that I’m cautiously optimistic with the new items released by Riot (you can read them here: 2024 Gameplay Preview - League of Legends ). Deleting some of the more annoying mythic is definitely an improvement and some of the new items on paper seem to range from effective to downright amazing (Hello Hubris, please let me build it in ARAMs, Riot).

At the same time, I’m saddened by the news that we aren’t getting any new AP/AS item. While yes, I suppose we could go back to stacking Nashors, I also think that we could use more items to cater to that specific direction. Champions like Kayle, Diana, Ekko, Gwen, Ivern, Jax, Kaisa, Kennen, etcetc. could only benefit from having more items that give those stats, even if just to open up an off-meta build.

What is your opinion on the matter? Why can’t we have more than 1 AP/AS item?

  • JPLangleyB
    10 months ago

    I just want Hextech No-Funblade back man.


    Diana doesn’t even build Nashor’s Tooth. Or at least doesn’t benefit from building it.