It’s happened to all of us - usually after we’ve played a game that we’ve really loved - an extended period of time where you just can’t get into a game. You get an hour into a few games but just can’t click with anything.

What was the game (or games) that brought you out of that slump?

  • Upstream6763B
    10 months ago

    Elden Ring for sure. I thought gaming was just something I grew out of, or the industry changed in a way that didn’t interest me. I’d still play some online shooters with friends from time-to-time, but didn’t consider it a “hobby” anymore. ER sucked me right back in, and then this year BG3 did the same. Gaming is better than it’s ever been, there’s just more and more of it so logically there’s gonna be some stinkers and shameless cash-grabs.