Title. If you are 0-10 and have 450 damage as Hanzo after 5 minutes, maybe you should evaluate the situation, and switch to some hero you can play better. I know QP is for trying out new heroes and learning, but for the love of God, don’t take the other 4 people on your team hostage. 5 minutes of trying and failing hard per match should be enough. At least give a chance to the others, don’t make them take the L without trying. Tonight I had back to back to back matches with 0-10 Hanzos and a Mercy who had 200 healing after 5 minutes. I asked why? Reply: I’m not a Mercy main. Dude, it was a rhetorical question. You are not a Mercy main, I get it. But you know you CAN heal, right? I’m not a leaver so I played the matches out but it left a bitter taste in my mouth to say the least. I have heroes I never touch for this exact reason because I know I am extremely bad with them and I don’t want to make 4 randos suffer because of me.
I feel like at any point where you are sacrificing the enjoyment of 4 other teammates it becomes a problem. Be it throwing, afking, getting hard countered and refusing to swap, being drunk/high to a point you can’t perform, being toxic to teammates etc.
I don’t think any of these other than throwing should be reportable but its still a very dick move to do. People say “oh its just qp” piss me off just as much. I don’t play comp because the sr doesn’t mean anything either. Should I just wait 15 minutes for the game to end so I can have my fun just because this one guy decided to troll the game? I can go on comp and throw because once again, sr is just as meaningless.
A less agressive way to put it is this way. Treat qp like you would treat a casual match of a sport (like volleyball for example). I don’t want you to sweat and tryhard but atleast go into the game with the endgoal of winning and having fun.
PS. If you wanna do the things I mentioned above, do it in a 5 stack. Go to the overwatch server. Go in a group with the disclaimer of your intentions. Its that easy.