I just got put in low prio for getting mid despite selecting all roles and having a bad game. In the beginning of the game I asked for a roleswap as I haven’t played mid in years, nobody was interested. 2 players suggest me to pick Necrophos last pick even though I wasn’t certain about the pick, anyway I thought the hero is braindead enough to work.

Enemy pos4 pudge has no lane top and decides to afk mid. We proceed to completely stomp the game and get mega creeps. My pos3 buys Satanic and my pos1 buys Heart and suddenly we can’t kill any of the enemy cores. My Razor gets hooked into enemy base and instantly dies and proceeds to say ‘mid diff’.

All game I feel like I have a massive target on my back from my teammates. My supports who were both owning stop warding entirely and after 3-4 failed hg pushes due to hooks I tell them to bring sentries because they have wards outside the base - they don’t. 12 sentries bought by each support in a +60 min game. Enemy pos5 bought almost twice as many as them combined.

We lose the game and I get low prio for trying my best playing a hero/role I wasn’t comfortable with in what turned out to be a really bad game for my hero.


I feel like the system is broken if you can get put in low prio for playing bad/having a bad pick because your teammates can’t look at their own performance.

Razor had a huge target on my back entire game from the moment he got ganked by OD, it was like the entire game was my fault even though we failed several hg pushes because he went way to deep, didn’t press items, got hooked whatever. Every good fight we had started with me initiating and baiting every single spell and my team cleaning up but once OD got Revenant’s Brooch my game just ended as I died in 3-4 hits from him.

The system shouldn’t be able to put you in low prio based off reports on 1 game unless it detects griefing, item destroying whatever. I did NOTHING what so ever in this game to deserve low prio. I played like shit and we threw as a team.

  • w8eightB
    10 months ago

    I didn’t tell you could play every role at the top of your skills, but “well enough” to handle it. Losing mid is not the end of the world. Dying mid 5 times and teleporting to the same lane is.