Not going on a fire vrabel rant.

A piss poor talent starved team with a nonexistent O line and a secondary made out of Swiss cheese will certainly lose games nobody can argue that. Howeverrrr just bc we have no talent doesn’t excuse the play calling and coaching decisions that are being made. On the bright side I want us to lose out at this point but it’s a major concern for next year. I don’t mind losing but the way we lose is disgusting. They continue to call plays that don’t work and refuse to try anything different aside from a couple gimmick plays here and there. We can’t block yet we’re constantly calling screens, horrible route selection that takes forever to develop which again since we can’t block why keep doing it, the penalties especially on 3rd down for the defense are constant and that’s all discipline which I think comes down to coaching as well. I could continue but we all know the issues if you’re still psychotic enough to watch us play. Why do we refuse to call quick plays that aren’t called screens , why not some slants , why not quick developing routes WE KNOW THE O LINE IS GARBAGE why continue to call plays that require some level of blocking knowing that blocking will not be there. They’ve got to stop showing their hand with Henry / Spears it all but tells the opposing DC what we’re going to do. Our team constantly being injured is on the S&C coach as well. It’s just total ineptitude in all aspects rn. I’m fine with losing when you have a bad roster but like I saw someone else say you should at least look like you’re playing the same sport. Levis could be our guy but he’s being set up to fail. They refuse to try anything new instead it’s “hey let’s keep doing the same fucking thing that doesn’t work”.

My thing is losing due to a talent disparity is fine I never expected us to be good this year, but we’re being out coached just as much as outplayed (which is great for the tank) but the years after this it’ll be what is holding us back bc the best talents can only make up for so much poor coaching and one dimensional play calling. I would feel so much better about the future if we were losing but the playcalling and coaching was there and it was just an issue of not executing due to bad players. Instead we have bad players getting put in schemes and plays that make them even worse then they already are. We will never have the perfect 99OVR team and that’s an issue 99% of coaches must deal with and they have to come up with a gameplan to get the most out of their bright spots and coverup for the weak points, that’s what makes a coach good - doing better then the sum of your parts and that is something that is the opposite of what is happening. Vrabel and ppl in the sub can blame the players all they want but personally I think coaching is similarly responsible for the shit results.

We don’t have a good team we have glaring glaring issues on both sides of the ball but we don’t have an entire team of talent starved bozos out there we have talent , might not be a lot, but we have some and the few bright spots we have are being snuffed out by the coaching. That has to change or else it does not matter one bit who we draft and who we sign. Jrob fucked the titans raw no lube but that cannot continue to be the excuse as to why we look as abysmal as we do. It seems vrabel and his staff have banked on the players overcoming poor playcalling with raw ability and when that falls off it exposes the root cause of the issue and that’s what we’re seeing now and if that continues the upcoming seasons will continue to have middling results. I don’t want vrabel fired but there has to be drastic change and the ability to adapt and I hope he’s capable of putting ego to the side and really addressing the issues that ARE in his control.

  • BuffaloKiller937B
    10 months ago

    Well yeah…we’re tanking. Judge Mike on what he does next season, not this one.