People when assassins oneshot: 😡
People when assassins get ability haste to make up for losing damage: 😡
I forget who it was that said it, I think Phreak? He was 100% right. Some classes will just be hated no matter what and the only way to appease some people would be to delete it altogether (which they will never do).
Can assassins still oneshot now? Yeah. Is it anywhere near the level of damage and speed it was prior to durability update and Lethality being changed to level-scaling? No.
I remember reading about the armor pen name change + nerfs on a rainy morning on the bus to school. That was like 5 or 6 years ago.
Good. When lethality was nerfed champs had like 70-80 base armor. Now they all have 100+
People when assassins oneshot: 😡 People when assassins get ability haste to make up for losing damage: 😡
I forget who it was that said it, I think Phreak? He was 100% right. Some classes will just be hated no matter what and the only way to appease some people would be to delete it altogether (which they will never do).
Can assassins still oneshot now? Yeah. Is it anywhere near the level of damage and speed it was prior to durability update and Lethality being changed to level-scaling? No.