How can we determine whether or not we live in a cyclical universe? Are there any clues or patterns we can look towards?

  • ImFrenchSoWhateverB
    1 年前

    I didn’t came to this conclusion. I’m not smart enough for that.

    But what I did is I read books on the topic. And those books said that in the past the universe was very small and very hot.

    And it seemed that at one point it was so small and so hot that it would form a singularity. That is surely not possible. An infinite density and infinite curvature into a point with no dimension can’t exist.

    So what’s the other possibility? It’s that the universe can be very small and very hot, but not infinitely hot and infinitely small. And when it reaches this limit, it bounces back.

    That’s why lots of eminent physicists are thinking that the Big Bang was actually a big bounce (hence the cyclical part of the discussion).

    And nobody thinks that the Big Bang was a creation of the universe from nothing.

    To make things even more simple : the universe is either cyclical or came from nothing because we know for a fact that it is in expansion (and was very contracted at one point)

    But do you want to actually have a conversation? Or do you just want to be mad at me ?