Like it happens to me aswell but ive seen so mang friendly people being absolutely murdered here on the sub for asking a logic, normal and friendly question? Whats wrong with all those toxic peeps? Isnt this sub MEANT to be for people who want to talk all things overwatch incl questions about the game??
Well when youre not allowed to vent in the game people are just itching to finally let the frustration out. I suspect the silent majority of this game stays quiet until they reach a forum like this where they cant actually be suspended for saying what they really think or feel about the game. Pussies would rather keep the game locked down than to let free speech happen due to their inability to use a mute function. The resulting consequences are what you deem as “toxic” while another person sees it as just normal behavior. People are allowed to be frustrated. People are allowed to want to critique if a player on their team is a problem or not. But not to the overly butthurt community that runs this game while in game. The end result is what youre talking about.