What’s your realistic expectation for Cam and Amen?

For me, Cam’s rookie season is a success if he manages to embrace his role as the bench spark plug, ideally coming in as the 1st option of the bench unit, avg 10-15ppg would be really nice.

  • FarWestErosB
    11 months ago

    It looks like both guys need to spend some time in the G-League.

    I expect Cam actually will.

    If he can keep his stay there short and provide 10-15 mpg off the bench by March, that’ll be great.

    Amen will stay with the big team (unfortunately for our hopes of winning games apparently), but clearly shouldn’t be getting PG duties over Fred or AlP any time soon. If he can become a semi-decent defender and learn how to be a good cutter on offense and get his 3-point shooting above 30% by the end of the season, that would be sweet.