Now, hear me out. I know a lot of you might say Deft or Ruler or Uzi (a goat btw) are best ADC, but I believe Gumayusi is probably the best ADC of all time. I’m actually very convinced.

  1. Most ADCs play really safe and focus on one priority which is surviving while dealing maximum damage. However, Gumayusi is different. He will take risks with his support to give his team a fighting edge. He 1v2’d against Ruler of people and won. Also, remember that Baron Steal last worlds? He is the true definition of an AD carry.
  2. ADC and support wave length is very good. As an ADC, generating tempo with your support is extremely important. Thruout game u want this to be @ 100% the whole time. Playing with anyone who is not yourself, will make this impossible to achieve 100%… but Gumayusi and Keria are decimals close like 99.999%.
  3. Key element of fights. His positioning is insane… it is almost like he knows the optimal spot to stand each time.
  4. Farm… farm… farm. I have not seen his cs been bad… not even in losing games. How can one do this? I guess because he is T1 the goat team’s ADC.
  • generic_redditor91B
    1 year ago

    Imo i disagree with the positioning part. Ruler usually has better positioning. Also Guma had atrocious positioning for a super rookie in lane in his debut year.

    Also this year Guma had less of that killer instinct, opting for the more stable and known stay back do damage type unlike his debut year where he was constantly provoking throws and 1v9s.

    But he is a great ADC don’t get me wrong. Not yet the GOAT ADC since compared to the others in contention, he is basically an embryo. Give him a few more years or if he gets a 2nd title by tea bagging all the ADCs along the way. In the finals he had no chance to because ADCs by nature start to carry in the mid and blossom in late game especially when game state is even but WBG let T1 roll them over through top.

    Will Guma be a God like Zeus? Maybe. I certainly hope so.