IN MEMORIAM OF: Galeforce, Rageknife, Stopwatch, Goredrinker, Sunderer, Whip, and Silvermere Dawn, Chemtech Putrifier, Chalice of Harmony, Turbo Chemtank, Radiant Virtue, Evenshroud, Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, Aegis of the Legion, Lifewell Pendant, Chemtech Putrifier

Some of this items seem fun, i think we discuss which champs would suit better.


Total Cost: 3200

Item Recipe: Recurve Bow + Last Whisper + Dagger + 750 gold

40 Attack Damage

30% Attack Speed

Passive – Shadow: Attacks apply 30 magic damage on-hit.

Passive – Juxtaposition: Alternate between Light and Dark on-hits each attack. Light attacks grant 3-5 armor and magic resist (up to 15-25) for 5 seconds. Dark attacks grant 6% armor penetration and magic penetration (up to 30%) for 5 seconds.

Possible good users; Kai’sa, Jax, Senna

Sundered Sky

Total Cost: 3100 gold

Item Recipe: Tunneler + Caulfield’s Warhammer + 900 gold

55 Attack Damage

15 Ability Haste

300 Health

Passive – Lightshield Strike: The first attack against a champion will critically strike for 150% damage and heals for 110% base AD +8% of missing health.

Possible good users: ??? (gangplank?)

Nitro Hexaegis

Total Cost: 3000 gold

Item Recipe: Tunneler + Noonquiver + 600 gold

55 Attack Damage

20% Attack Speed

300 Health

Passive: Gain 30 ultimate ability haste.

Passive: After casting your ultimate, gain 35% attack speed and 15% bonus movement speed for 7 seconds

Possible good users: Twitch, Vayne, Zero


Total Cost: 2700 gold

Item Recipe: Bandleglass Mirror + Bandleglass Mirror + 700 gold

40 Ability Power

20 Ability Haste

150% Mana Regeneration

Passive – Dawncore: Gain 3% Heal and Shield Power and 5 Ability Power per 100% Base Mana Regeneration.

Passive – Summoner Spell Haste: Gain 18 Summoner Spell Haste.

Possible good users: Karma, Yuumi

Hollow Radiance

Total Cost: 2800 gold

Item Recipe: Bami’s Cinder + Spectre’s Cowl + 550 gold

600 Health

40 Magic Resistance

100% Base Health Regeneration

Passive – Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by 25% against minions) for 3 seconds. Taking or dealing damage refreshes the duration of this effect.

Passive – Moonburn: Killing an enemy (non-ward, non-structure) deals 30 (+3.5% bonus HP) magic damage in an area around them.

Possible good users: ??? (Sion maybe)

Unending Despair

Total Cost: 2800 gold

Item Recipe: Chain Vest + Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal + 800 gold

400 Health

55 Armor

10 Ability Haste

Passive: While in combat with champions, every 7 seconds, deal magic damage to nearby enemy champions, healing for 175% of the damage dealt.

Possible good users: Aatrox?, Renekton?,

Kaenic Rookern

Total Cost: 3000 gold

Item Recipe: Spectre’s Cowl + Negatron Cloak + 850 gold

350 Health

80 Magic Resistance

100% Base Health Regeneration

Passive – Magebane: After not taking damage from champions for 15 seconds, gain a magic shield for 18% of your maximum health.

Possible good users: Tanks against heavy AP compositions.

Voltaic Cyclosword

Total Cost: 2900 gold

Item Recipe: The Brutalizer + Kircheis Shard + 863 gold

55 Attack Damage

18 Lethality

15 Ability Haste

Passive – Energized: Moving and Attacking will generate an Energized Attack. Dashes and Stealth stack Energized 75% faster.

Passive – Firmament: Your Energized Attack applies 100 bonus physical damage and Slows enemies for 99% for 0.75 seconds. Slow is a melee only.

Possible good users: Talon, Pyke.

Profane Hydra

Total Cost: 3400 gold

Item Recipe: Tiamat + The Brutalizer + 863 gold

60 Attack Damage

18 Lethality

20 Ability Haste

Active – Heretical Slash: Deal 65% total Attack Damage physical damage to nearby enemies. This damage increases to 97.5% total Attack Damage physical damage to enemies below 30% health.

Passive – Cleave: Attacks deal 40% AD (melee) / 20% AD (ranged) damage to other units within 450 units of the target hit.

Possible good users: ???

Zoomies (lamest name i’ve ever read on an item)

Total Cost: 2700 Gold

Item Recipe: Serrated Dirk + Rectrix + 800 gold

55 Attack Damage

18 Lethality

5% Move Speed

Passive - Murder: After being out of combat with Champions for 8 seconds gain /Bonus Lethality/. This Lethality lasts for 3 seconds after dealing damage to champions.

Passive - Murderspeed: If a champion dies within three seconds of damaging them, gain 150 decaying Move Speed for 1.5 seconds.

Possible good users: Zed


Total Cost: 3000 gold

Item Recipe: Serrated Dirk + Caulfield’s Warhammer + 900 gold

60 Attack Damage

18 Lethality

15 Ability Haste

Passive – Ego: When you kill an enemy champion you are granted a statue of yourself.

Passive – Eminence: When a champion that you have damaged within the last 3 seconds dies, gain 10 (+1 per Statue) Attack Damage for 60 seconds.

Possible good users: k6, rengar, Zed. Prepare for having 10 statues on base, or none.


Total Cost: 2700 gold

Item Recipe: Serrated Dirk + Nether Shard + 800 gold

55 Attack Damage

18 Lethality

6% Movement Speed

Passive – Murder: After being out of combat with Champions for 8 seconds gains bonus Lethality. This Lethality lasts for 3 seconds after dealing damage to champions.

Passive – Murderspeed: If a champion dies within 3 seconds of damaging them, gain 150 decaying movement speed for 1.5 seconds.

Possible good users: Nocturne, Rengar, Zed


Total Cost: 3000 gold

Item Recipe: Lost Chapter + Fiendish Codex + 900 gold

80 Ability Power

20 Ability Haste

600 Mana

Ultimate Power: Gain 15 Ability Haste for your Ultimate.

Ultimate Flames: Whenever you damage an enemy champion with your Ultimate, burn the ground beneath them for 3 seconds, dealing 60 (+6% AP) magic damage every second and reducing their Magic Resistance by (6-12 [level scaling]) for as long as they are on the burning ground.

Possible good users: Fiddlesticks

Caster’s Companion

Total Cost: 3000 gold

Item Recipe: Lost Chapter + Hextech Alternator + 700 gold

90 Ability Power

20 Ability Haste

600 Mana

Load: Gain a Shot Charge every 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 6.

Fire: Damaging abilities consume all Shot charges to deal an additional 40 (+ 8% AP) magic damage to the target and one additional nearby target per charge. If there are insufficient targets in range, for each remaining Shot, repeat the damage on the primary target dealing 35% of the damage.

Possible good users: Kassadin?


Total Cost: 2900 gold

Item Recipe: Hextech Alternator + Aether Wisp + 950 gold

90 Ability Power

10 Magic Penetration

5% Movement Speed

Passive Stormraider: Dealing 35% of a champion’s maximum health within 3 seconds applies Stormsurge to them and grants the user 25% movement speed for 2 seconds. 20 second cooldown.

Passive – Stormsurge: After 2 seconds, Stormsurge strikes the target with lightning, dealing 100-200 (based on level) (+ 50% AP) magic damage to them. If they die to the lightning or before the lightning strikes, it detonates immediately in a large area around them and you gain 30 gold.

Possible good users: Katarina, Kai’sa, Fizz


Total Cost: 2850 gold

Item Recipe: Blighting Jewel + Fiendish Codex + 850 gold

70 Ability Power

15 Ability Haste

30% Magic Penetration

Passive – Life From Death: Whenever you get a takedown on an enemy champion within 3 seconds of damaging them, create a healing nova on their location that heals allies for 50 (+50% AP). 60-second cooldown.

Possible good users: Veigar, Leblanc. Now your annoying mage mid laner can be useful for something else than flame you.


Celestial Opposition

Passive – Blessing of the Mountain: Become Blessed to reduce incoming champion damage by 40% (melee) / 25% (ranged), lingering for 2 seconds after taking damage from a champion. When the reduction wears off, unleash a shockwave around you that slows nearby enemies by 50% for 1.5 seconds. Effect refreshes after leaving combat for 15 seconds.

Possible good users: Rakan, Nautilus, Alistar.

Solstice Sleigh

Passive: Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy champion grants you and a nearby ally with the lowest amount of health 120 bonus health and 90 movement speed for 4 seconds. 20-second cooldown.

Possible good users: Rakan, Yuumi?, Ashe


Passive – Spellblade: After using an ability, your next attack is enhanced with an additional 75 physical damage on-hit (1.5-second cooldown). If the target is a champion, apply Expose Weakness, increasing the damage they take by 12% (melee) / 8% (ranged) for 6 seconds.

Possible good users: Pyke, Senna

Dream Maker

  • Passive – Dream Maker: Gain a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble every 8 seconds. Healing and Shielding another ally blows both Dream Bubbles to them and empowers them for 3 seconds. Blue Bubble reduces 140 incoming damage on the next hit and Purple Bubble grants 90 bonus magic damage on the next hit.

Possible good users: Yuumi, Karma

Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike

  • Passive – Void Explosion: Dealing ability damage to a champion causes an explosion at their current location that damages the target and nearby enemies, dealing 50 (+3% maximum health) magic damage, capped at 300 against monsters. 3 second cooldown.

Possible good users: ???