Hey, as the title says I need some advice by you on how to convince my father for a Porsche. He is in his early sixties and is a lawyer so money isn’t that huge of a deal for him.

In my eyes my father wastes too much money for the wrong cars. This year he bought a VW E-Up which isn’t a bad car itself but far too overpriced (30k euros). Last year he bought an old Volvo 850 and switched the engine for an R-Engine instead of waiting for a good deal for a real Volvo 850R. In less than 2 years he spend like 25k-30k on an unrealiable car that won’t rise in value.

He also had two CLA 45 AMG (3 years each) as leasing for 6 years (500€ per month) and the CLA AMG is just a boring overpriced car.

I always tried to convince him for a real sports car. In 2017 I told him to get a SLS which costs back than like 150k and now about 250k and for a much longer period I told him to get a 911.

The money he spend on the Volvo and AMG could have gotten him a nice used 911 but my dad won’t listen to me.

So what can I do to convince him? I thought about a test drive for him because in my eyes you have to drive a Porsche to really understand why they are such great cars.

  • IndyRiley1958B
    11 months ago

    Why do you feel you need to convince him of this? He’s clearly made it this far alone. Let him drive what he wants.

    • ScurrScurrSheeshOPB
      11 months ago

      Because I see all the money he wastes. I told him to wait for a good used 850R but he thought that a barn find will do the same. Turns out it needs 9 months of works to get it running and constant problems with the mechanics. Now he spend almost double as the real deal would have cost while being as unreliable that it is 1/3 of its time at a mechanic.