So he doesn’t want to see a therapist for better communication but he can’t communicate “hey, I need to deposit $300 to my family at the end of the month”

How is she suppose to know your family depends on you financially if you can’t talk to her about it. Plus, how willingly would anyone send money to STRANGERS? (Because he’s never really introduced her to his kids and other important people).

They need therapy. He need therapy

  • Fuzzy_Sheepherder455OPB
    10 months ago

    You’re right, BUT many need it and won’t admit to it.

    I mean, why is he so shady and quiet about his life? How would you respond if your future husband/wife isn’t going out of their way to introduce you to their kid and actively encourage some kind of relationship. And what’s more crazy is that she speaks his language fluently. So there no awkward language barrier.

    Culturally, there’s lots of barriers, so that’s on him to at least tell her about certain thing even if she can’t wrap her head around it.

    Exhibit A: my children, parents and other family members depend on me to pay the bills and other life expenses. When I come to Rochester it’s important that we figure out a way for me to continue sending the money I usefully provide for them.

    If you can’t communicate shit like this because “it’s my business” than it’s also 100% your business to find a way to financially support your family while in the us. He sucks at communicating because any good parent would prioritize this conversation months before the visa was approved……